Showing posts with label superbowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label superbowl. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

To Bowl-dly Go

Congratulations, Seahawks, on winning today and good luck at the Super Bowl!
We've got some frenzied sports love in this fine city.
I raise my Captain Kirk glass of Chardonnay to you, Hawks.

Originally posted 01/19/14

Auspicious Finding

Cleaning up, I found a hammer that happened to say "12".   I took this as a good sign for our Seahawks in the Superbowl.  I was right.

Originally posted 02/01/14

We are the village green preservation society

I had an explosion of extra succulent babies this winter.  All the babies had babies.  So now I am painting the cutest little 4” pot s...